Notary Prof. Dr. Axel Adrian
Personal information
Born in Fuerth, Germany
Graduation at Hardenberg-Gymnasium in Fuerth (Abitur)
1989 to 1994
Studies of Law at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
1994 to 1996
Legal clerkship in Nuremberg and Ansbach, Germany
Professional Background
1996 to 1997
Lawyer in the central legal department of Siemens AG
1997 to 2000
Notary assessor in Feuchtwangen and Fuerth
2000 to 2006
Civil Law Notary in Naila
since 01.04.2006
Civil Law Notary in Nuremberg
since 2019
Honorary professor at the university of Erlangen-Nuremberg
since 2021
Arbitrator in commercial arbitrationprocesses
since 01.04.2024
in partnership with Notary Dr. Bernd Weiß
Various speaking engagements, authorial activities, academic activities, teaching and lectures Various publications (e.g. on German Stock law)
Doctorate with dissertation “Grundprobleme einer juristischen gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Methodenlehre” (Fundamental Problems of Legal Methodology under Community Law), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
“Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Wissenschaftstheorie auch für Juristen” (Fundamentals of a General Scientific Theory even for Jurists) , Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
“Grundsatzfragen zu Staat und Gesellschaft am Beispiel des Kinder- und Stellvertreterwahlrechts” (Principle Questions on State and Society by example of Voting Rights for Children/Proxy Model, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
Since 2008
Examiner for the First State Law Exam
Since 2011
Lecturer at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Notarizations as well as legal advice can be offered in English. Furthermore drafts can be provided in English.

Notary Dr. Bernd Weiẞ
Personal information
Born in Mellrichstadt
High school diploma in Mellrichstadt
1988 to 1993
Studies in Law, Political Science, and Philosophy at the University of Würzburg
First State Examination in Law in Würzburg
1993 to 1996
Legal clerkship in Bad Neustadt/Saale, Schweinfurt and Würzburg
Second State Examination in Law in Würzburg
1993 to 1995
Ph.D. at the University of Würzburg, thesis topic: The European Charter of Local Self-Government
Professional Background
1997 to 2000
Notary assessor in Schweinfurt, Würzburg, and Bad Neustadt
2000 bis 2008
Notary in Schweinfurt
from 30.10.2008 to 14.10.2009
State Secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, member of the Bavarian State Government
since 15.10.2009
Again notary in Schweinfurt, State Secretary off-duty
since 01.04.2024
Notary in Nürnberg, in partnership with Notary Prof. Dr. Axel Adrian
1993 to 1997
Representative of Professor Knemeyer's chair in the expert committee of the Council of Europe. Strasbourg, for the monitoring of the Europe-wide application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government
1996 to 2008
City councillor in Mellrichstadt
2002 to 2013
County council member in Rhön-Grabfeld
2003 to 2013
Member of the Bavarian State Parliament
since 2014
Member of the Schweinfurt City Council
since 2022
Member of the Bavarian Constitutional Court
Notarizations as well as legal advice can be offered in English. Furthermore drafts can be provided in English.