We are happy to assist you with our competent team.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
08:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
as well as by individual appointment
Phone: 0911 - 230860 - 0
Fax: 0911 - 230860 - 31
E-Mail: kanzlei@notare-adrian-weiss.de
Online Notarization – Your Time is Valuable
With our online procedure, you can conveniently make use of many notarial services from anywhere. All corporate law cases can be notarized online, as well as the certification of qualified electronic signatures. Additionally, we offer the possibility of conducting online consultations for all matters – everything operates securely and smoothly through the platform provided by the Federal Chamber of Notaries.
Online Forms – Prepared for You, Stress-Free
With our online forms, you are always perfectly prepared. Use our online forms to ensure our team is well-informed to handle your concerns efficiently. We look forward to assisting you!
Online Notarization powered by the Federal Chamber of Notaries
Start the process at online-verfahren.notar.de, where you can select a type of procedure – don’t worry, your choice of procedure is just a indication and can be changed at any time. Once you’ve made all your selections and provided the necessary information, you can choose a notary. We would be delighted if you place your trust in us!
Online Forms and Electronic Notarization
Use the online forms on our website. Simply scroll down and click on the relevant legal area. You will then be redirected to our services page, where you can easily select and fill out a form in the Online Forms section.
We are also happy to offer electronic notarizations. We’ll be glad to discuss the details with you while preparing your case.
Select the Legal Area Relevant to Your Matter
There, you will find additional information as well as our online forms.

Our office is always on the lookout for talented candidates to join or expand our team. Regardless of current job postings, we encourage qualified applicants to express their interest in working with us. Each application is reviewed individually to evaluate potential areas of assignment or the creation of new positions.
We place great importance on the training of notary assistants. If you are interested, please contact us directly. Detailed information about training opportunities can be found at www.genau-mein-ding.net and www.karriere-beim-notar.de.
Send your application documents by post or email to:
Notaries Prof. Dr. Axel Adrian and Dr. Bernd Weiß
Königstraße 21
90402 Nurenberg