
You can find us here:

Our office is located in the city center of Nuremberg, directly next to St. Lorenz Church (Koenigstr. 21, 90402 Nuremberg), second floor (lift available). The entrance is located around the corner at Lorenzer Platz 4.


0911 - 23086-0


0173 - 39 204 39


0911 - 23086-31


Opening hours:

Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5:00pm and by appointment.

Directions by public transportation:

U1, U11 station: Lorenzkirche or city bus lines 46, 47 and 94 to Heilig-Geist-Spital

Directions by car:

The office is within easy reach by car. We recommend using the parking garages Adlerstr. or Katharinenhof.

Job offers

We often have job offers available at our office. Therefore, we would also appreciate and are welcoming unsolicited job applications and requests from qualified candidates. We make every effort to assess whether there is a specific position available at the moment or if a new job can even be created.

We can also offer a qualified apprenticeship program for notary clerks. If you are interested in such an apprenticeship, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find more information (in German) at and www.karriere– .

Please send your informative application documents via mail or e-mail to:
Notare Prof. Dr. Axel Adrian und Dr. Bernd Weiß
Königstraße 21
90402 Nürnberg

Legal disclosure

Responsible for content
Civil Law Notaries
Prof. Dr. Axel Adrian
Dr. Bernd Weiß
Königstraße 21
90402 Nuremberg (Germany)


+49 911 - 23 086-0


+49 173 - 39 204 39


+49 911 - 23 086-31


USt-ID-Nr. DE300232639
Legal title of occupation
Civil Law Notary – title received by the State of Bavaria’s Ministry of Justice (Federal Republic of Germany)
Chamber of affiliation
The Regional Chamber of Civil Law Notaries Bavaria
Ottostraße 10
80333 Munich (Germany)
Responsible supervisory authority
President of the District Court Nuremberg-Furth
Fürther Straße 110
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Phone: + 49 911 - 321-01
Berufsrechtliche Regelungen
  • Federal Regulations for Notaries (BNotO)
  • Notarization Act (BeurkG)
  • Code of Conduct for Civil Law Notaries (DONot)
  • Law on Costs of Voluntary Jurisdiction for Courts and Civil Law Notaries (GNotKG)

Privacy and Security

Name and address of responsible parties
Responsible parties in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws as well as other data protection provisions are:
Civil Law Notaries
Prof. Dr. Axel Adrian
Dr. Bernd Weiß
Königstraße 21
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)


+49 911 - 23 086-0


+49 911 - 23 086-31



Data protection officer of the responsible parties
Leonie Ruckriegel
Königstraße 21
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)


+49 911 - 23 086-0




We exclusively collect and use your personal information within the framework of the Federal Republic of Germany’s data protection laws. From there, you decide on the handling of your personal data yourself. Without your specific consent, we will neither collect, nor process or use any personal information from your website visit.

Transferring and logging data for internal system purposes

When visiting the website, your internet browser transmits data for technical reasons (e.g. IP address). Allocating a specific person to the collected data is not possible. The data will be deleted after your website visit.


In accordance to § 18 of the Federal Regulations of Notaries, Civil Law Notaries are bound to a special act of discretion. All personal information is treated confidentially.

Data protection website usage

You can find our privacy policy regarding the use of our online services here.

Data protection client general

Our statements on the protection of client data can be found here.